No one enjoys sitting on a public toilet seat. Maybe you have your own ways to deal with it when you're out and in a pinch. Or mayyybe you've never been caught in an emergency. But I have a feeling that you know what I'm talking about when I say, if nature calls you gotta GO.
These are the top 4 ways that people deal with public bathrooms when they're feeling uncomfortable or grossed out. And why you should NOT do these 4 things.
How to stop avoiding public bathrooms?
Avoiding public bathrooms means you are likely blocking your body while in its natural cycle. I don't have to explain the digestive system to you, but when you feel the need to go its because you HAVE to go.
"Holding it in" does nothing good for your system.
I know that the roadside service station bathroom isn't somewhere you would ever want to be if you had a choice, but by holding it you're putting your bowels under stress.
This can cause fecal incontinence and other complications down the road, if it becomes a habit.
Take ammunition with you to war: you need a strong toilet seat cover to make you more comfortable out on your adventures.
A toilet paper wall isn't good for you or the planet
Building a barrier between you and the seat takes ages. Let's go back to our setting: the roadside service station bathroom.
You don't want to be there. I definitely don't want to be there. You'd rather spend less time doing your business than having to spend 5 minutes building a fortress of TP so that your bum doesn't graze the blackened toilet seat that might be older than you.
In many cases the toilet paper offered is single ply and doesn't provide full protection from the toilet bowl seat.
Use a flushable toilet seat cover that has multiple layers of protection, so you don't have to layer paper on the seat.
Heaven forbid it.. Stop squatting!
I know you think it's a good idea... If I squat my butt doesn't touch the seat which is the most hygienic, right?
Unfortunately, squatting can actually have some pretty gross effects for you (and the person after you won't appreciate a wet seat!).
When you squat, it can send a plume of bacteria and fecal matter into the air. This has the complete opposite effective if your goal is to avoid gross germs.
So now you know, if you are ever squatting over a toilet, there’s a good chance you're spraying someone else’s germs and fecal matter all over your butt cheeks. (Let that sink in...)
Using the thin paper toilet seat covers in the stall
The thin paper seat covers you find in public bathrooms are... lousy, to say the least.
It can be confusing to figure out how to use them (Which way do I put it down? Should I rip the flap?) and they are often too thin to protect you from liquids, often slipping around and when you move.
The flimsy material is unreliable and is moments away from ripping if you so much as shift to grab some TP.
If you want to feel comfortable and relaxed (as you can be in a public bathroom) then you need the tools to create a good experience.
The stress of avoiding a public bathroom or Macgyver-ing a solution isn't worth it.
LooREADY has soft and strong eco-polymers to ensure that your skin is protected against mysterious toilet seats. Disposable toilet seat covers are not rocket science, and they should help you feel at ease as you do what you gotta do while you're on the go. Any situation could call for a bathroom trip, so make sure that you have everything you need in your bag.
LooREADY toilet seat covers don't tear, slip around, or get wet. There are 3 layers of protection between you and the toilet seat, to ensure that you're transported home every time you've gotta go while on the go.